Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Inspiration Wednesday...

Megg here with a little bit of inspiration. We've had a lot of craziness with summer this year. Life has been chaotic, full of energy, fun and running everywhere. It's times like these that I cling to those moments of normalcy that remind you amid all that is nutty, things are good, and all is right in your world. It doesn't mean that you won't turn you head and find more craziness, or something else falling apart, but for that moment, everything is just in perfect balance. It doesn't happen often, at least it hasn't for us lately, but when it does - document it. And when you get around to it, scrap it so you can remember it forever.

When we look back on our lives, we won't remember every big holiday gathering, or birthday party. What we will want to remember is being together. Without all the bells and whistles, stress and contention. We were lucky to have one of these type of days a few weeks ago, right before my little girls 4th birthday weekend palooza. It was refreshing, it was amazing, and I used Mary's "Family Fun" to scrap it. You can see the layout below and if you like the layout click on the page for a direct link to her store where you can grab this super cute kit. Happy scrapping folks!!!

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