Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Inspriation Wednesday...

Megg here with todays...

Winter months are here among us folks, and with the winter months come lots of drab, indoor pictures. Well, here's a way to brighten up your January, this month try capturing a little indoor action. Whether it's your pets, family detoxing from the holidays, or trying to keep up with kids that have way too much energy and no way to expel it, capture it.

Here's a few tips for taking indoor pictures:
1. Make sure to use your flash. If your indoors, you are going to have to use it and it doesn't matter what time of day it is. If you are trying to capture action shots and they are blurry it's often because you don't have enough light.
2. Use your camera's auto focus feature. It will make all the difference. Did you know if only press your camera's shutter button halfway you are going to tell the camera to focus on your subject, even if it's motion? I haven't ever met a camera that didn't have this feature. It's just taking the time to do it. It takes practice, but this tip alone can turn most blurry pics into jems. Good habits make all the difference folks!

So I used some pics from my daughter when she was dancing like a nut last February. Poor thing moves like her mother! Have a great week and be inspired!
Page done using: Chunky Metal Alpha, and Black & Blue Kit.

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